Find our most recent rates for our services listed below! We also offer direct billing to many different insurance companies, what to know if yours is on the list check out our FAQ page or contact us to find out! Let us know if you have any questions.
These rates will be effective as of January 1st, 2024.
Initial Assessment.....$95.00
Acupuncture.....No Charge
Dry Needling.....No Charge
Complex & Multi-Site.....$94.55
Vestibular Initial Assessment…..$137.81
Vestibular Follow-Up.....$88.20
Bio-casting for Custom Orthotics.....$178.74 (does not include the cost of the orthotics themselves)
Initial Assessment.....$120.31
Follow Up.....$65.18
Tradtional Chinese Acupuncture
Initial Assessment.....$120.00
Follow Up 60 minutes.....$80.00
Follow Up 30 minutes.....$45.00
Cosmetic Acupuncture Initial Assessment.....$120.00
Cosmetic Acupuncture/Extended Acupuncture.....$90.00
Massage Therapy
30 minutes.....$49.84 + GST
45 minutes.....$72.40 + GST
60 minutes.....$89.49 + GST
75 minutes.....$101.62 + GST
90 minutes.....$119.81 + GST
120 minutes...$151.84+ GST
45 minutes.....$72.40 + GST
60 minutes.....$89.49 + GST
Hot Stone
60 minutes.....$108.78 + GST to $126.84 + GST
75 minutes.....$125.32 + GST
90 minutes.....$151.84 + GST
45 minutes.....$77.65+ GST
60 minutes.....$94.74 + GST
75 minutes.....$106.87 + GST
90 minutes.....$125.06 + GST